Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy Yoga An eight week workshop designed to apply classical yoga techniques that focus on areas of the body that need stretching and strengthening during prenatal stages. Improve lower back and abdominal muscles, develop your own breathing rhythm, and visualize a healthy reproductive experience. Feel better, look better and take pleasure in the magic of childbirth. Practice yoga skills at home using the Yoga for Pregnancy & Fitness video provided.

  • Increase stamina and endurance
  • Strengthen lower back and abdominal muscles
  • Learn to visualize yourself as strong and powerful during the event of birth
  • Increase your focus during labor and delivery
  • Transforms anxiety and stress into beneficial energy
  • Get back into shape quicker post-delivery
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Carmela Cattuti     Email:    Phone: (617) 970-5320
Web Site Design for Carmela Cattuti by 3rd Floor Graphics, K.R. Simonsen

See artwork by Carmela: Cattuti Designs, abstracts and cityscapes